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Beginner course (Alqaida/NourAlbyan)

Elaf academy gives the major emphasis on teaching Holy Quran for kids, and this is the biggest challenge for us, especially young children.

Therefore, we use gamification and various tools to facilitate the delivery of the correct information to them in an atmosphere of entertainment and fun.

According to the student level evaluated in the trial class he can start one of the following.

Beginner course (Alqaida/NourAlbyan)

Reciting course

Reciting course

The students learn how to recite the Holy Quran by looking and learn how to apply the tajweed rules according to a defined methodology so that they can read the Quran smoothly and fluently.

To join this course, you should have passed the initial evaluation.

After this evaluation we will be able to decide if you will start in reciting Quran directly or you will do revision on some reading rules first and then we will be able to determine how long you need to finish this course.

  • The recitation syllabus is divided into 5 levels.
  • The goal is to read Quran perfectly without mistakes starting from studying the letters and their phonetics, understand the characteristics of every letter and their articulation points, then students can start the Tajweed syllabus which enable them to recite the Quran according it’s rules.

Quran Memorization

Memorizing the Quran is one of the highest goals that most Muslims strive for, Elaf Academy will do the best to help you achieve this goal.

We can determine the own plan for memorizing and revising the Holy Quran according to the students need and capabilities.

To join this course, you should have passed the initial evaluation.

After this evaluation we will be able to decide if you will start in reciting Quran directly or you will do revision on some reading rules first and then we will be able to determine how long you need to finish this course.

  • The memorization syllabus is divided into 8 levels.
  • The students start to memorize the Quran from the short surahs up to surat al Baqarah.
  • Starting from level three, the students should learn the rules of Tajweed in parallel with memorization to memorize based on learning and listening.
Quran Memorization

Tajweed courses التجويد

Tajweed courses التجويد

Learning Tajweed course is for those who already completed the Qaida course and have ability to read.

This course help students in understanding the rules of Tajweed and enabling them to recite the Quran in a correct manner (in Arabic accent and pronunciation).

Our tutors teach/ train the students in understanding the rules of Tajweed by practicing it.

Our trained male/female instructors have specialized qualifications particularly with regards to Tajweed.

Tafsir (Contemplation)

Learning Quran Tafseer is to learn the meanings of the words of the Holy Quran.

Tafseer of the Holy Quran is the most significant science of Quran.

All matters regarding the Islamic way of life are linked to it since the accurate application of Islam is based on proper comprehension of the guidance from Allah.

Without learning Quran Tafseer, mankind will have no correct understanding of different passages of the Quran.

Tafsir (Contemplation)
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