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The main course

The fundamentals of Islam that every Muslim should know

We have an excellent curriculum consisting of 12 levels according to the students’ ages and their knowledge background:

After studying the course, the student is expected to be well acquainted with:

  • The names of Allah.
  • Tawheed (Monotheism)
  • The pillars of Islam.
  • The pillars of Iman.
  • The importance of prayer.
  • The conditions of prayer.
  • The most important supplications (Adzkar)
  • Some of Ahadith.
  • Some stories of prophets.
  • Brief Biography of the prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in the Maccan era.

After this syllabus, the students become qualified to study any of the following courses.

The main course

Aqidah Essential

Aqidah Essential

The word Aqidah, (Creed) is derived from (Aqd) which mean holding fast to something and being absolutely certain about it.

In Islam it is to believe in something with certainty. Young and Adult Muslim should know and believe in.

What are the prerequisites for taking this course?

To join this course, you should have passed the fundamentals of Islam evaluation.

  • Belief in Allah and the understanding of Monotheism.
  • Belief in the angels.
  • Belief in Allah’s Books.
  • Belief in the prophets and messengers of Allah.
  • Belief in the Day of Hereafter.
  • Belief in Qadar (Fate).

Fiqh of Wudoo’ and Prayer

What are the prerequisites for taking this course?

To join this course, you should have passed the fundamentals of Islam evaluation.

After this course the students will be well acquainted with:

  • Purification.
  • Cleaning rituals like Ghsil, ablution (Wudoo’) and Tayammum (dry ablution).
  • The characteristics of the Fitrah.
  • Description of prayer.
  • Rulings of prayer.
  • The obligatory Elements of prayer.
  • The Sunan Elements of prayer.
  • Prayer invalidators.
  • Prayers in congegation, Jumu’ah prayers and Eid prayers.
  • Voluntary prayers and regular Sunnans.
Fiqh of Wudoo’ and Prayer

Important lessons for Muslim Women (for women and girls starting from 12 years)

Important lessons for Muslim Women (for women and girls starting from 12 years)

After this course the students will be well acquainted with:

  • Menstruation and non-menstruation bleeding.
  • Tayammum, Ghusl and the characteristics of Fitrah.
  • Funerals, offering condolences, death announcements and the mourning.
  • Marriage.
  • Divorce.
  • Correct Islam dress
  • The husband’s rights.
  • Etiquette of married life.

Fasting course

After this course the students will be well acquainted with:

  • Definition and pillars of Fasting.
  • Days when it is obligatory, Mustahab and Makrooh to fast.
  • Rulings of fasting and further rulings on Ramadan.
  • Things that are Mustahab when fasting.
  • Qiyaam.
  • I’tikaaf
  • Laylat Al Qadar
Fasting course

Zakah course

Zakah course

After this course the student will be well acquainted with:

  • The virtue of charity and exhortation to give charity.
  • Kinds of charity and giving.
  • Warning to those who withhold Zakah.
  • Conditions of Zakah being obligatory.
  • Rate of Zakah.
  • Zakaatul Fitr.

Hajj and Umrah

After this course the students will be well acquainted with:

  • Definition of Hajj
  • Rulings on Hajj
  • The virtues of Hajj
  • Conditions of Hajj
  • Rituals of Hajj and Umrah.
Hajj and Umrah

Islamic history

Islamic history

After this course the students will be well acquainted with:

  • The stories of Prophets
  • The Biography Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • The Rightly Guided Caliphs
  • Umayyad Caliphate
  • Abbasid Caliphate
  • The Crusades and the Mongols
  • Ottoman Caliphate
  • Modern Times


We offer studying the following books:

  • Al Arbaeen Annawwyah book.
  • Riyad Assalihin book.

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